As an enhancement to the EcoPump HPE, the pressure relief valve prevents possible damages caused by unpredictable excess pressure.
As an enhancement to the EcoPump HPE, the pressure relief valve prevents possible damages caused by unpredictable excess pressure. It is simply connected directly to the outlet of the pump. Protection against pressure peaks and improper use is guaranteed by the pressure actuated valve. By using the optionally available sensor in the relevant port, the pressure relief valve is the perfect interface to allow full closed-loop control of the pump. Typical fluids include water and solvent-borne paints, varnishes, enamels and lacquers.
Paint Service Ltd. is a supplier of spray solutions for the metal, glass, plastic, wood and composite industries. As a distributor and service partner of the largest manufacturers in Hungary, we offer our customers a wide range of products. We offer customised coating solutions from artisan production to large-scale production.
We assess, design, install and commission.
Our service ensures fast parts supply and professional repair.
Our 20 years of professional experience is a guarantee of quality coating!
Address: HU Budapest 1163 Cziráki utca 26-32.